Webinar: The future of protection in the nexus: The role of the Global Protection Cluster and humanitarian protection in the humanitarian-development-peace-security nexus

Banner for the webinar The future of protection in the nexus: The role of the Global Protection Cluster and humanitarian protection in the humanitarian-development-peace-security nexus

Humanitarian action is increasingly connected to development, peace, and security work. What does this mean for the future of humanitarian protection and the role of the Global Protection Cluster (GPC)?

On 22 October PHAP organized a webinar in partnership with GPC on the future of humanitarian protection in the nexus, discussing how humanitarian protection fits into the vision and concrete plans for humanitarian action in the coming decade.

Humanitarian action has never been carried out in isolation from other sectors. Building on long-running initiatives, such as “linking relief rehabilitation and development” (LRRD) and disaster risk reduction (DRR), efforts to strengthen connections with other sectors have accelerated over the past few years, especially following the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit. The UN and World Bank’s New Way of Working (NWoW), the EU’s Joint Humanitarian and Development Frameworks, and other initiatives have in common a focus on the “nexus” between humanitarian work and development, as well as with peace and security to ensure that common objectives are reached. 

In these new models connecting and aligning humanitarian action, development, peace, and security, the vision of the role for humanitarian protection is less clear. There may be agreement that the overarching responsibility for protection is shared, but key practical questions remain, including:

  • Who carries out humanitarian protection work in practice in the nexus? 
  • How is the need for independence of certain protection work ensured in conflict-affected and politically sensitive contexts? 
  • Are we facing risks that we will create protection gaps? 
  • Who should be tasked with coordinating to ensure any such gaps are covered? 


About the Global Protection Cluster strategic review

GPC is developing a new Strategic Framework for 2020-2024. Extensive consultations are continuing to take place with academics, AoRs, community members, donors, experts, NGOs and other Clusters. The GPC is also trying to revitalize its structures to react better to the needs of the field and speak more forcefully for change around protection. The new GPC Strategic Framework is expected to reflect the evolution of the humanitarian response system highlighted by the work on the Centrality of Protection and the IASC Protection Policy and the need to adapt working methods to take account of changes to the UN coordination system announced by the Secretary-General in 2018; nexus discussions; climate response and new approaches to solutions.

The GPC is now partnering with the International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) to carry out online consultations with stakeholders globally to help shape and refine the strategy.

Target audience and event access

The event is targeted at humanitarian protection specialists and practitioners in all sectors with an interest in ensuring protection functions effectively in rapidly developing nexus operations.

Recommended resources

We recommend everyone who is attending the webinar familiarize themself with the current GPC Strategic Framework (for the period 2016-2019):


During the webinar, participants and speakers also recommended the following resources:

Nexus reforms: Learning stream on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus by ICVA and PHAP

Resources on nexus reforms

Resources on protection

Consultation report

Download Full Report

Event recording (YouTube – faster loading time)

Event recording (audio podcast)

Event recording (Adobe Connect - higher quality)


William Chemaly William Chemaly Global Protection Cluster Coordinator
Natascha Hryckow Natascha Hryckow Chair, Conflict Analysis Network (CAN)
Caroline Khoubesserian Caroline Khoubesserian Head of the Unit for the Protection of the Civilian Population, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Ralph Mamiya Ralph Mamiya Executive-in-Residence, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
Agnese Spiazzi Agnese Spiazzi Humanitarian, Development, Peace Coordination Advisor, UN Development Coordination Office


Angharad Laing Angharad Laing Executive Director, PHAP
Paul White Paul White ProCap Advisor to the Global Protection Cluster