JIAF 2.0 Overview
Joint and Intersectoral Analysis Framework version 2.0: Updated methods, tools, and processes for humanitarian needs analysis

In the complex field of humanitarian needs analysis, how can we measure and understand ‘needs’ in a more people-centered way? To help address this and lay the groundwork for a joined-up and evidence-based approach to humanitarian response among different actors, the Joint and Intersectoral Analysis Framework (JIAF) was recently revised.

JIAF version 2.0 sets global standards for the estimation and analysis of humanitarian needs and protection risks. The JIAF analysis provides the foundational information for Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNOs) that are conducted globally on an annual basis, estimating the magnitude and severity of humanitarian needs and exploring the drivers, linkages, and intersections of sector-specific needs.

Building on learning from the JIAF 1, version 2.0 has been developed by a partnership that includes some of the largest donors, UN agencies, NGOs and global clusters, and specialized agencies under the auspices of Grand Bargain and will be rolled out for the first time in the Humanitarian Program Cycle 2024.

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar on 7 June (15:00-16:30 CEST), where we will be introducing the revised methodology of the JIAF 2.0 for conducting joint and intersectoral needs analysis within the humanitarian program cycle.

We warmly extend the invitation to all practitioners, noting that the session will be most relevant for OCHA and Cluster Information Management Officers (IMOs), Coordinators, Program staff, specialized assessment partners, and anyone involved in the humanitarian program cycle.

The presentation will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish. 


Q&A responses

During the event, participants posed many interesting questions, and the panelists responded in writing to many of the ones we did not have time to discuss during the event. You will find their responses below.

Countries are already starting to work in HNO 2024. Are we in time to apply the JIAF 2.0 for HRPs 2024 [Adriana Ramirez]

  • Yes, we are still in time. A comprehensive capacity development plan involving regional and country analysts has already started. Furthermore, JIAF 2.0 builds on previous versions and the initial analysis (i.e., context shock and impact) remains similar in both versions.  

Not all impacts of humanitarian crisis can be quantified/costed, given this, how is OCHA effectively costing such immeasurable impacts like trauma, mental health, etc.? [Chmusonda]

  • OCHA does not cost impacts as you put it, but helps to align partner strategies to address jointly agreed humanitarian needs. Where mental health is agreed to be a humanitarian need, it would be up to the experts in the health sector to characterize/measure it, formulate the response, and estimate the cost for doing so. OCHA helps put it all together and maintain coherence across the response (and the needs analysis).  

I have the feeling that, while strongly supporting the JIAF methodology for a more harmonized way to calculate the PiN,  sectoral needs are not linked to the intersectoral. We should strengthen more the fact that Intersectoral and sectoral needs to talk to each other. [Anonymous]

  • This is an aspect that JIAF 2.0 seeks to address through sectoral PiN interoperability and sectoral severity interoperability.  

My question is about the role of JIAF in a humanitarian context... can we say JIAF 2.0 is taking over the role of MSNA [Kamran]

  • MSNA collects data. JIAF allows the analysis of data, both coming from MSNA and other data collection exercises.  

When will the resources for JIAF 2.0 be released? [Anonymous]

  • All the resources, including the JIAF 2.0 Technical Manual, presentations, and online training modules, are expected to be released by July 2023 in English, French, and Spanish.  

Are the needs identified (data collected) and analyzed at HHs and individual level or at institutional level or both? [Mohamed Khaled]

  • Data will be collected at different levels - based on sectoral methodologies. Analysis will be done across the various levels, from system/institutional, to community, household and individual.  

Please what would be the linkage between MNSA and JIAF 2.0 approach in terms of needs analysis. [Anonymous]

  • The MSNA is a tool to collect data. When a MSNA is done in a country, its results can be taken into account / used during the JIAF analysis.  

Can someone as an individual get access to this tool kit 2.0 or is it only for organisations? [Thinesh]

  • JIAF toolkits will be included in the JIAF 2.0 technical manual, and this will be public on the JIAF website.  

Who will be able to use (to what extent) and upload data to the online analysis platform? [Anonymous]

  • OCHA and clusters participating in the analysis at the country level.  

I am interested in how the JIAF framework feeds and enables more effective response analysis. Is response analysis within or outside the JIAF? Does JIAF support inter-agency monitoring of needs? [Lynn Yoshikawa]

  • Response analysis and monitoring are outside of JIAF. However, JIAF aims at informing strategic decision-making, response analysis, and response planning  

Have major donors indicated that they are willing to allocate funding based on the results of the JIAF 2.0? If so, which? At present, it doesn’t seem like funding decisions are particularly based on severity or where the most vulnerable people are. [Anonymous]

  • Donors are key partners and have followed very closely the development of JIAF 2.0. JIAF 2.0 will underpin HNOs, and HNOs are one of the key sources used by donors to inform funding allocations.  

Is there guidance from global clusters on setting parameters for each severity category? Or is it completely left to operations to agree on common definitions? [Walid]

  • Each global cluster has already worked on sector-specific descriptions of each severity phase (aligned to JIAF overall descriptions). Please get in touch with your global cluster focal point for direction.  

In establishing trends can the JIAF V1 needs/PIN be compared with JIAF 2.0 given the change in methodology [Anonymous]

  • In the context of an HNO, whether it is JIAF 1, 2, or any precedents, the key questions to be answered are pretty much the same, so in that sense trends can be established. Methods to arrive at these answers evolve over time.  

Do you think that this model will be accepted by all donors and what are steps that you have taken to discuss with them to agree on it [Thinesh]

  • Many of the major donors have been directly involved in JIAF development (and contributed financially to it) so acceptance by them is not anticipated to be a challenge.  

As the JIAF appears to be based on sectors, how will it address more cross-cutting ways of working, such as cash programming? This is often noted as a need from affected populations, but it doesn’t fit neatly into any one sector. [Lynn Yoshikawa]

  • The JIAF provides a framework to look jointly at both sectoral and intersectoral needs - and importantly is started by looking at contextual factors - including information around markets, financial systems, infrastructure, etc. When looked at in combination with the needs (including expressed priorities of the affected population) the 'response analysis' stage that precedes the development of the HRP would be used to determine the best modalities for assistance, including cash.  

Est-ce que le JIAF sera accessible a tout le monde? [Anonymous]

  • Tout le matériel JIAF (guide, outils) sera accessible sur le site web  

Can you explain again how JIAF resolves conflicting information from two different datasets? [Anonymous]

  • Remote support will be available for troubleshooting, but conflicting information can also be approached during the work in the JIAF on the interoperability of Sector severity / PiN, and the discussions/analysis that happens around this step and at the final stage (overall PiN and intersectoral severity determination).  

Are climate factors factored into the analysis process? [Anonymous]

  • Yes - wherever climactic shocks and impacts are included in the initial analysis, they will influence the outcomes.  

How does JIAF link to the HPC lightning process? [Anonymous]

  • It is aimed to reduce the complexity of the analysis, and provide software tools to save time / automate, in conjunction with a simplification of the HNO template...  

When would the learning section on the JIAF website would be updated? [Anonymous]

  • Between June and July. Please keep an eye out and sign up to the JIAF Newsletter (link at the bottom of the homepage of the JIAF website) to receive all the updates.  

Are you planning or already have any reporting format, which will be used to consolidate all the data/analysis 2.0 for proposal purposes? [Thinesh]

  • As it is now, the reporting format is the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO).  

Did JIAF work in Yemen along with OCHA? [A. Shayef]

  • JIAF 2 is being launched for HPC 2024. The intent is for global-level roll-out in all HNO processes globally.  

I believe that one of the critiques of JIAF 1.0 was the want to strengthen the understanding of the “why” or the “root causes” behind the existing humanitarian needs elaborated in the HNO. Building upon what you’ve mentioned can you elaborate on how this “Why” element has been strengthened and if / how this has been mainstreamed into sectoral analysis or intersectoral analysis? Balancing the focus on PIN and the causes contributing to the needs. [Anonymous]

  • One way is through the further strengthening of the analysis of context, shocks, and impacts in JIAF 2 - and making sure that they can be used for providing the basic 'whys' when analyzing severity and PiN figures.This is reinforced also to a degree in the HNO template for 2024 HPC. Additionally, the analysts will be asked to describe linkages and patterns, including indeed causal linkages between needs, shocks and needs, etc. Visuals and guiding questions will support this analysis in the last multi-partner workshop.  

Who are eligible for ToT training? And how those experts are going to be selected at all levels? [Anonymous]

  • The call for applications for these trainings was launched in May through OCHA and the global clusters. Experts who participate in the training were selected considering a balanced representation of OCHA/cluster representatives, geographic distribution, gender, and other diversity characteristics. The experts will be responsible to train analysts who participate in the JIAF process in country.  

You say "people-centered" – easily said, and we all claim to do it. How will this meaningfully take into account peoples' priorities at the start, and use feedback to improve the relevance, effectiveness, and responsiveness of what we do at a country /whole of response level? How can we ensure accountability? [Andy Wheatley]

  • JIAF considers the coexistence and intersection of different needs, and how their combined effects lead to humanitarian outcomes, irrespective of whether these are the result of context, sectoral deprivations, etc. By emphasizing the condition of the individuals and their circumstances, the JIAF ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the complex factors at play and aims to address the multifaceted nature of human needs.  

In complex humanitarian crises like Syria's multiple outbreaks, earthquakes, and conflicts – how do we compare the severity with other clusters? [Shafiq]

  • In JIAF 2.0 severity is established both by understanding sectoral deprivations (i.e., the worst being the collapse of basic services and/or total inability to meet basic needs) and the overlap of these deprivations and resulting humanitarian outcomes.  

I would like to understand how intersectionality is taken into consideration and what kind of gender equality indicators you use to measure outcomes. [Anonymous]

  • JIAF 2.0 represents an enhanced version of the Joint Intersectoral Analysis Framework that places a strong emphasis on utilizing diverse and comprehensive data sources. It recognizes the importance of incorporating various types of data, including age and sex-disaggregated data, whenever available. This approach aims to provide a more nuanced understanding of the different needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of specific population groups. JIAF 2.0 acknowledges the gender-specific challenges and disparities that exist within a crisis-affected population and makes provisions for these vulnerabilities to be highlighted at the early stages of the analysis i.e. module 1, contributing factors, including under context and impact    

What is the role of UN-OCHA if clusters are not actively operating in an emergency and poor coordination is going on along the clusters? [Shoukat Baloch]

  • OCHA plays a critical role in coordinating and facilitating humanitarian response efforts, even in situations where clusters may not be actively operating or where coordination among clusters is poor. In such circumstances, UN-OCHA's responsibilities and functions become particularly crucial, with a focus on overall coordination, strategic planning, information management, advocacy and resource mobilization, etc. OCHA can advocate for resources to strengthen the cluster system and provide some capacity-building and technical support, in some cases.  

Once having generated a joint overall number of PIN (through the revised JIAF), when the humanitarian assistance will be deployed on the field by actors and clusters, will there be also a methodology to generate a joint overall number of people reached and service delivered? Because sometimes the simple addition of people reached by sector (and even in the same sector, by type of activity/intervention) would largely surpass the population of the country. [Etienne Anakeu Djoumessi]

  • Such developments, i.e. methodology to generate a joint overall number of people reached and service delivered, are out of the scope of the JIAF development.  

Why do we have so many different tools for humanitarian need analysis- why can't we just merge and draw up one tool to carry out this analysis? Simple for all actors. [Anonymous]

  • JIAF 2.0 is putting forward global standards for humanitarian needs analysis, in particular for joint and intersectoral needs analysis conducted under the humanitarian program cycle (HPC).  

Is there a list of countries that will implement JIAF 2.0 in 2024? [Adriana Ramirez]

  • JIAF will be rolled out this year in July 2023 for all HPC countries.  

Food Security uses IPC for Analysis – how is the JIAF 2  going to integrate the two? [Khurra]

  • Food Security severity results (irrespective if determined using IPC or CARI, or something else) are calibrated to the global generic descriptions of severity phases, just like all other clusters. The cluster results/outputs become an input in the JIAF 2.0 intersectoral analysis  

What is the timeline for in-country training? [Michela Pittalis]

  • Depending on country processes, however, JIAF briefings or training could be expected July-August 2023.    

How we can engage the Early Recovery Cluster using the JIAF platform since it's not listed in the cluster module? [Anonymous]

  • Module 2 can accommodate other clusters, including Early Recovery





Nick Haan Nick Haan JIAF Senior Technical Advisor
Alexandra Lazau-Ratz Alexandra Lazau-Ratz Capacity Development Specialist, JIAF Project Management Unit
Cristina Majorano Cristina Majorano Programme & Policy Officer, Global Food Security Cluster
Herbert Tatham Herbert Tatham Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Needs Analysis and Response Section, OCHA


Manisha Thomas Senior Policy Advisor, PHAP