ICVA's Virtual Annual Conference 2020 Session 2: What Risks?

Banner for the ICVA Annual Conference 2020: Session 2

With challenges to principled humanitarian action, NGOs are facing increased risks in their work. While NGOs accept risk as part of their work, many organizations are taking on more risk than they may be aware of and have the capacity to manage. In the second session of the Annual Conference, we explored the types of risks faced by NGOs linked to the humanitarian principles, how they can be managed, and how the gap between risk appetite and risk tolerance can be addressed in the sector.

This session was part of ICVA's Virtual Annual Conference 2020. Read more about the conference on the event page.

Target audience and event access

All humanitarian practitioners, particularly NGO and UN frontline staff involved in the development and delivery of programs.

Accessibility and screen readers

The official guide for using assistive technologies in Adobe Connect is available at helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/using/accessibility-features.html

The event can run both in your browser and as a standalone desktop application. For use with screen readers, it is generally recommended to run the event as a standalone application, but some users report better compatibility with the browser version. You will be asked whether to use the application or the browser version when logging in.

A full guide for screen readers and Adobe Connect is available here: www.umassmed.edu/globalassets/it/documents/faculty-services/adobe-connect/vendordoc-visual-disabilities.pdf 

Recommended resources

We recommend everyone who is attending the Virtual Annual Conference to read the following resources:


For resources recommended by speakers and participants during the conference, see the main event page.


Event recording (YouTube – faster loading time)

Watch recording

Event recording (audio podcast)

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Event recording (Adobe Connect - higher quality)

Watch recording


Jean-Francois Riffaud Jean-Francois Riffaud Executive Director, Action Against Hunger France
Jeremy Rempel Jeremy Rempel Head of Humanitarian Finance and Coordinator Less Paper More Aid, ICVA
Hibak Kalfan Hibak Kalfan Executive Director, Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR)
Khaleel Desai Khaleel Desai Head of Governance, Islamic Relief Worldwide
Björn Hofmann Björn Hofmann Humanitarian Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands


James Munn James Munn Director, Geneva & Humanitarian Policy, Norwegian Refugee Council


Angharad Laing Angharad Laing Executive Director, PHAP