Recording now available for the second session of the Learning Stream on Climate Change and Humanitarian Action  

Recap on the ICVA and PHAP webinar that took place on 24 November on Commitment 2 of the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations

On 24 November, PHAP and ICVA organized a webinar discussing Commitment #2 of the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations, focusing on how the principle of "do no harm" applies when trying to maximize the environmental sustainability of our work. 

During this session, participants had the opportunity to hear from Karolina Kalinowska, Policy Officer and Lead on Environment and Humanitarian Aid at DG ECHO of the European Commission, who provided an in-depth presentation on the key principles of DG ECHO's approach to reducing the environmental footprint of humanitarian assistance, with a focus on the changes to their partnership agreements. 

Kathrine Vad, Environment and Climate Change Adviser at the ICRC, shared their experience with successful recycling programs in Kenya, Pakistan, and Côte d'Ivoire. She emphasized the significance of implementing better programs in the field by taking into account their local environmental impact to avoid negatively impacting the very same people they are trying to help.
Speaking about their organizational approach of a 3Zero World, André Krummacher, Vice CEO of Programmes, Impact, and Accountability at ACTED, shared with participants what this means for when aiming to maximize environmental sustainability.

As part of ICVA's and PHAP's Learning Stream on Climate Change and Humanitarian Action, this event followed the launch event of the series that introduced the Charter and the first session of the webinar that examined adapting to the impacts of the climate and environmental crises.

During the event, participants also provided their views in a number of polls. You can find the results of these, together with the video and audio podcast format recordings of the discussion, on the event page.

Access the recordings