Recording available-Second Session in Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) Event Series on Accountability to Affected People 

Access the audio and video recordings of the IASC and PHAP webinar exploring good practices for collective and standardized complaints and feedback mechanisms in AAP

On 6 May, PHAP together with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) organized the second of four sessions during the 2022 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks on accountability to affected populations (AAP). This event built on the discussions in the IASC and PHAP webinars on AAP last year.

Drawing from country examples, this session was an opportunity to look at some of the existing good practices for collective and standardized complaints and feedback mechanisms, including data standardization initiatives, feedback logbooks, and hotlines, as well as initiatives to ensure mechanisms are designed so as to be participatory, inclusive, and accessible.

Participants had the chance to hear from Charlotte Lancaster, Programme & Policy Officer at WFP. She highlighted why collective spaces need community feedback data standards, stating challenges such as community feedback not being sufficiently used by decision-makers; feedback data giving an incorrect or distorted image of reality on the ground; and lack of common and systematic process to capture and address the feedback data obtained. Eva Erlach, CEA Delegate at IFRC, shared with participants about a recently developed feedback logbook, providing a tool for data standardization for complaints and feedback mechanisms
FanMan Tsang, Director of Capacity Bridging and Technology, CDAC Network, spoke about complaints and feedback mechanisms and how they had a history of not operating as planned because of how they would impose a “cookie cutter” approach. 

Discussions followed with Elda Pereira De Avelar, WFP in Mozambique, where she manages the Linha Verdem, an interagency feedback mechanism. She emphasised the need for data to accurately reflect the reality on the ground, multisectoral cooperation and effectiveness of the feedback loop to ensure the link between data classification and programmatic action at either the agency or collective level. 
Claire O'Reilly, Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin highlighted how best to ensure feedback processes and mechanisms are accessible to those most at risk of being left behind and ensure that the information collected through feedback processes can be used to support the inclusiveness of the programmatic response.

James Macharia, CCCM Cluster Coordinator in Somalia, spoke on feedback and complaints mechanisms that have been set up in Somalia and some of the challenges faced. He provided examples of the three main channels of CFMs used in Somalia: static-information desks at the site levels; mobile teams to reach different sites; and hotlines. 

This event is the second in the series covering the current state of accountability to affected people series, following the first session that explored working towards collective AAP approaches at country level. 
During this interactive event, participants were encouraged to provide their input in various polls. You can find the results of these, together with the video and audio podcast format recordings of the discussion on the event page.

Access the recordings