Photo: Jonas Sacks

Upcoming webinar on the importance of using community-based data in emergency responses 

Join ICVA and IASC for the fourth session on the series on accountability to affected populations (AAP)

On 19 May, PHAP and the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) will orgnaize the fourth session in the 2022 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks series on accountability to affected populations (AAP). Drawing from the experience of the Collective Service, this session will show examples of how a collective approach to community engagement coordination can make a difference in the response in communities facing multiple threats and where the same partners respond simultaneously to public health, humanitarian and other emergencies.

The Collective Service is a collaborative partnership between UNICEF, WHO, IFRC with support from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), and key stakeholders from the public health and humanitarian sectors. 

The session will share experiences of how social data has contributed (or not) to informing and shaping epidemics response, with focus on the response to COVID-19 and Ebola, emphasizing lessons that can benefit humanitarian responses in the future. In addition, it will discuss how investments in data systems contribute to more effective preparedness programming strengthening of community resilience through better preparation, response, and learning.

The session will provide concrete examples and inspiration for actors across the spectrum of humanitarian and public health crises on the benefits of collective approaches to community engagement and how they can contribute to faster, more accountable and effective responses.

This event is the forth in the series following the first session that explored working towards collective AAP approaches at country level; second session on standardized complaints and feedback mechanisms for AAP and the third on the key actions required from humanitarian leadership to make AAP a reality. 

This webinar is free to attend.

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