N&SE Asia: Humanitarian response in situations of armed conflict, 19 June 2014
Questions from participants

Do you consider the cluster system to be effective? For example, having in mind inter-cluster collaborations, efficiency and within the response implementing a long-term plan of sustainable recovery?
-Officer of Human Rights and Peace Issues, International Organization, Sweden

What legal frameworks are available to ensure accountability of state actors orchestrating violence against their own population through military actions?
-Head of Sub-Office, UN agency, Pakistan

In North East India, the conflict is recognized only with the term ‘law and order problem.’ In reality we may find all the essential components to define a non-international armed conflict (NIAC), so how can we implement international humanitarian law to this situation and others like it?
-Guest Lecturer, academic institution, India

What is the best way to assist those suffering from malnutrition in North Korea both now during the armistice and upon a transition to hostilities?
-Staff member, U.S. Forces, South Korea

What cases can you think of where the UN or a UN agency ignited or increased the severity of a conflict and what lessons are to be learnt from it? What early warning systems does the UN employ to identify a potential flashpoint?
-Humanitarian Coordinator, Medical relief organization, Myanmar

How do you maintain neutrality when trying to reach the vulnerable and those in need? I experienced great difficulties with South East Asia in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s in reaching the victims of a terrible regime.
-Community Capacity Building Advisor, Gibraltar

In situations of armed conflict, as per legal regulations, affected parties must guarantee the safety of relief supplies and humanitarian personnel. Does this also apply for Laos and how will it be monitored?
-Chairman, Government organization, Thailand

What protection and assistance challenges and opportunities do humanitarian actors face when natural disasters affect conflict areas, as has commonly occurred in the region over recent years (e.g. , Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar)? Should the same operational rules apply?
- Research and Partnerships Officer, Switzerland

What is the concrete direction of the UN global community in the management of humanitarian assistance in conflict areas?
- Humanitarian and Peace Worker, Philippines

What major challenges does the humanitarian community face in implementing efforts in armed conflicts? Do community participation and local NGOs play a role in the peacekeeping process or in creating significant change? In what way?
-Planning and Training Officer, International organization, Philippines

How can North and South East Asian countries leverage Multilateral Disaster Management to build regional peace and prosperity?
-Government Official, Malaysia