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Prepare for your PHAP Certifications with Humanitarian Leadership Academy’s Kaya

PHAP is happy to announce its partnership with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy.

We are happy to announce the launch of the partnership with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy in assisting its humanitarian e-learners to prepare for the PHAP Credentialing Program certifications through the Academy’s e-learning platform Kaya! Three preparatory courses are available on Kaya to enable learners to prepare for each of the following PHAP competency-based certifications in:

  1. Understanding the Humanitarian Ecosystem (UHE)
  2. International Legal Frameworks for Humanitarian Action (ILFHA)
  3. Applying Humanitarian Principles in Practice (AHPP)

These free preparatory courses are accessible to all who have a Kaya account. To access them, log in to your account and navigate to the PHAP preparatory courses. If you don’t already have an account, you can sign up for one for free.

Start your certification preparation today through Kaya with the:

  1. Preparatory course for the certification in Understanding the Humanitarian Ecosystem
  2. Preparatory course for the certification in International Legal Frameworks for Humanitarian Action
  3. Preparatory course for the certification in Applying Humanitarian Principles in Practice

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