Donors and financing


Calculator on top of financial documents

Photo: Ken Teegardin

Key actors

The forum for most of the world's largest donors, developing policy and providing support to members and partners

Donor forum and network to facilitate collective advancement of best practices for financing and principled humanitarian action

Organization focusing on data and evidence on poverty and resource flows. Publishes the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report.

A group of aid agencies focusing in particular on new forms of financing

Information tools

Global, real-time database that records all reported international humanitarian aid

PHAP certifications

Knowledge about donors and funding is covered by the Understanding the Humanitarian Ecosystem (UHE) certification (competency statement 2.6).

Key references

Annual publication analyzing humanitarian financing and related aid flows

A briefing paper about the Grand Bargain process, why it was created, what it hopes to achieve, and its current work streams

A framework to guide official humanitarian aid and a mechanism for encouraging greater donor accountability

Good practices papers covering the relationships between donors and partner governments, between donors, and within individual donor systems

Report to the UN Secretary-General about humanitarian financing needs, mobilizing additional funds through either traditional or innovative mechanisms, and improving the efficiency of humanitarian assistance

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