Humanitarian work in particularly challenging contexts

What are your views on the recent report by Médecins Sans Frontières that highlights how big aid groups are withdrawing from emergency work, especially in dangerous conflict zones, in favour of lucrative work on modish concepts such as conflict resolution, capacity building and governance?
- Science Policy Analyst, academic institution, United States

Do you think Humanitarian organizations are more inclined to work in their comfort zones and not in conflict zones where aid support is more required?
- Senior Emergency Response Officer, international organization, Philippines

What is your position on humanitarian staff in the field handling light weapons, keeping in mind the security issue and their right to hold weapons?
- Student, academic institution, Bulgaria

Can humanitarian action be as effective in rural areas as in urban areas?
- Anonymous

What are the moral dilemmas of the highly volatile, insecure and politicized environments where humanitarian aid risks to be instrumentalized?
- Technical Coordinator, international NGO, Georgia

In the event of armed conflicts, when unarmed civilian population is unable to flee from the conflict area and humanitarian aid is blocked by the authorities, what can be done by humanitarian actors to help the civilians?
- Program Officer, humanitarian organization, Nigeria

What can we do to better protect civilians in besieged areas and what humanitarian tools do we currently have or we need to have?
- Staff member, UN agency, Syria

Humanitarian innovation

How do you see humanitarian innovation shaping slow and fast-onset crises?
- Program and Communications Officer, International NGO, Uited Kingdom

Can the use on Unmanned Aircraft in the PKO missions augment humanitarian work? Can we see any integration of humanitarian aid and the DFS in the future?
- Staff member, UN agency, United States

What place do you see the digital world having in overcoming Humanitarian divides?
- Global Chief Information Officer, International aid organization, Switzerland

How can we shift the humanitarian community’s perspective regarding failure to allow for greater experimentation with innovative approaches?
- Grants Manager, International NGO, Jordan

As more business partners become involved in the area of humanitarian innovation, how do we ensure that the corporate sector involved in humanitarian response understands humanitarian principles and operates according to humanitarian standards?
- Head of Humanitarian Action, NGO association, Switzerland

How do you see the role of private sector as an actor and partner in innovation for humanitarian work and disaster management in general, referring back to the New Deal for Fragile States?
- Senior Relief Coordinator, International NGO, Kenya

Innovation often comes from non-traditional sectors and individuals. I think the usual humanitarian actors have trouble balancing openness to innovation and new approaches and ensuring that new groups understand the importance of humanitarian principles. In fact, this ‘training’ can delay results in emergencies. How do we balance these needs? Who is the gatekeeper, and should there be one?
-Senior Officer, international aid organization, Switzerland

The use of innovation has been on the increase across agencies (UN, NNGOs and INGOs). There has been a lack of coordination in this space, and more often than not competition between agencies. How can we ensure that there is some common ground on innovation on the global humanitarian space?
- Cash Based Programming Manager, international NGO, Jordan

What digital (i.e. social media, crisis mapping) innovations have you found to be the most useful in disaster response? Have you seen any innovation gaps?
- Team Lead Volunteer Management, international NGO, United States

How can the private sector help to improve emergency relief? And what is the potential for peace initiatives that see business engagement in conflict-prone zones?
- Business student, Denmark

New challenges to humanitarian action

What are the main challenges that the Humanitarian Action is going to face in the future?
- Executive Officer, academic institution, Hong Kong

Can you address how counterterrorism policies are impacting humanitarian action?
- Director, Charity and Security Network, United States

Humanitarian agencies face challenges in unstable regions: save lives AND play the role of media in communicating to the public, as the mainstream media is often not interested in covering the situation. How can we work better with public media in particular?
- Accountability Coordinator, International NGO, Switzerland

Moving forward, what role might Disaster Law play in addressing some of the challenges of present day humanitarian assistance?
- Anonymous, Netherlands

Applying humanitarian principles

How can the humanitarian principles be strengthened and applied more effectively?
- Anonymous, Scotland

Where do you think we are in terms of respect for essential humanitarian principles in the eyes of the humanitarian sector and in the eyes of governments?
- Senior Officer, international aid organization, Switzerland

Linking development and humanitarian action

How is Humanitarian Action being positioned to be an enabler for Development?
- Global Director, international NGO, South Africa

As prolonged humanitarian crises become the norm, how can the development and humanitarian communities better coordinate their activities to adequately address the needs of people displaced and affected by crises for prolonged time periods?
- Student, academic institution, United States

Where do you see the future of humanitarian action compared to the future of development action?
- Head of Programs, International NGO, Nigeria

Access to affected people

How can you improve humanitarian access in countries such as Mali and how to facilitate humanitarian action in integrated UN Mission?
- Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UN agency, Mali

How can humanitarian efforts be most effective in conflict situations where at least one of the parties does not recognize and/or is actively hostile to international humanitarian actors, e.g. in Iraq and Syria?
- Analyst Researcher, international organization, United States

How do we negotiate access with militaries who take arbitrary control of ports/airports in sudden onset disaster (e.g. Tacloban)?
- Humanitarian Trainer, government ministry, Australia

What are your thoughts on the continuing pressure on 'humanitarian space' and what concrete approaches are being taken to mitigate this pressure?
- Program Officer, international foundation, Canada

In some countries, the role of humanitarian assistance organizations is limited by governments. For example, in Pakistan, there is a huge humanitarian crisis of internally displaced persons. Around 0.8 million people are displaced. The aid they need does not reach them because NGOs are often stopped by the government. Do we have any way forward to resolve this issue?
- Lecturer, academic institution, Pakistan

Improving effectiveness of humanitarian action

What is or can be done to reduce the international response time to humanitarian crises, including in cases of danger of genocide (e.g. Syria, DRC, S. Sudan, CAR or Rwanda, Burundi & Bosnia in the past)?
- Humanitarian Affairs and Disarmament Advisor, Switzerland

In my experience the two weakest points of Humanitarian aid in terms of effectiveness are: 1. Effective Financial Management/Forecast (sudden/unexpected drop in assistance) and 2. Cost Efficiency Intervention (Agencies cost VS Assistance). What are the ongoing high level reflections on these elements?
- Head of Mission, international NGO, Lebanon

How do we ensure that humanitarian organizations are held accountable for their actions? What efforts need to be made to ensure that the issue of exploitation and abuse by humanitarian workers is brought higher up the agenda of senior management and resources are also allocated to respond to the issues?
- Head of Humanitarian Action, NGO association, Switzerland

How can we ensure that humanitarian action is driven more effectively by the needs of those affected by disaster?
- Anonymous, United Kingdom

Humanitarian workers are often more keen to be accountable to donors and governments than those affected by crisis. How can we be deliberate in ensuring that humanitarian workers are more accountable to their beneficiaries during and after the World Humanitarian Summit?
- Coordinator, International organization, Iraq

The humanitarian reform is soon going to be ten years old. One of its pillars is strengthened accountability. Has the time come for the IASC to launch an impact assessment of this process in 2005 and verify its actual achievements?
- Senior Training and Legal Officer, international organization, Switzerland

What can be done to improve quality, independence, and coordination of assessments?
- Lecturer, academic institution, Denmark

Coordination of humanitarian action

How can the coordination of disaster relief efforts be improved to make them more effective? Over the years, the perception that some iNGOs and National Governments tend to compete with one another so as to be seen as the leading light in a given disaster relief effort. The rational is said to be that publicity results in greater funding. UN relief agencies and IFRC tend to be better coordinated when it comes to disaster relief?
- Community Capacity Building, Gibraltar

How do you view partnership and role of local/national structures and NGOs in making humanitarian more relevant and effective?
- Executive Director, environmental organization, Philippines

How effective is the "cluster approach"?
- Anne Lloyd, Freelance humanitarian aid worker, United Kingdom

How do you see coordination between the UN, NGOs, and governments evolving to support and address challenges around the need for a solid common response in a crisis?
- Program Officer, International NGO, Senegal

We are currently experiencing difficulties while distributing aids on the ground as there is not a solid cooperation amongst NGOs in the region. Are there any ways to establish a proper cooperation amongst NGOs at regional and/or international level? And to what extent could the UN and other related agencies take the lead in creating cooperation?
- Industrial Relations Consultant, international association, Turkey

How can we ensure that all humanitarian actors coordinate and adhere to international standards? Especially from “new” donor countries, like the Gulf States
- Anonymous

Can you elaborate on actions you will take on the role and greater participation of National NGOs in defining needs and realizing humanitarian action in the next 5 years?
- Executive Director, development organization, Senegal

Building capacity

How much should the future of humanitarian aid incorporate capacity building and would this model devolve power away from international actors to local first responders?
- Program Officer, international NGO, United Kingdom

As we aspire to intervene especially in food crises, how we can promote local purchases and encourage local food production?
- Protection Officer, youth organization, Somalia

The Red Cross is based on local volunteers as the primary humanitarian actors, which helps with local acceptance and access. At the same time, internal sectarian conflicts and being among the impacted population themselves often impact the ability of these individuals to be part of humanitarian action. This seems to point to pre-conflict/disaster resilience building as a key factor. How do we use global willingness to act in crises and transform this into global willingness to support community development?
- Senior Officer, international aid organization, Switzerland

What can we do to provide support to national and local responders to the Syria crisis? How do we make sure that resources are allocated for national and local capacity development instead of large organizations dominating humanitarian response?
- Head of Humanitarian Action, international organization, Switzerland

Humanitarian funding

How do we reconcile humanitarian needs with economic recession, given that most countries under recession are the biggest "givers" to humanitarian funding appeals?
- Advisor, UN agency, Cote d’Ivoire

What ideas do you have to meet the inevitable shortfall in funding for ongoing and future humanitarian operations?
- Academic institution, United Kingdom

Against the backdrop of the shortfall in funding, how can the operational cost of several actors be efficiently utilized in ways that will not compromise resources that should otherwise be concentrated on populations with acute needs and in distress?
- Volunteer, international aid organization, Cameroon

What should funding be spent on developing resources that will assist with delivery and implementation of aid, i.e. shelter, water provision?
- Anonymous

How is the UN seeking funding support for humanitarian emergencies from the BRIC and Gulf nations? What opportunities are there for humanitarian agencies to tap into funds from these nations in the future?
- Emergency Communications Director, International NGO, United Kingdom

Gender issues

Integration of gender issues are still a long way to go in humanitarian interventions. Has the gender agenda failed? How do you see that humanitarian actors can become better in integrating gender sensitivities?
- Gender and Diversity Advisor, international aid organization, Norway

Do specific plans to protect women in situations of armed conflict exist?
- Heath Delegate, international aid organization, Canada

How will the World Humanitarian Summit consider gender equality?
- Development organization, United Kingdom

Will practitioners on the ground be able to come together to clearly articulate the barriers and blockages we face to getting it right so that dedicated resources especially people are allocated to address this major concern in a consistent, coordinated and comprehensive way?
- Gender Advisor, UN agency, Philippines

Linking gender and access, what are the humanitarian community’s tools and options to access populations in areas controlled by informal groups or groups such as ISIS? How do we deal with these sorts of moral dilemmas and what protection can effectively be given in such contexts? In many instances, women and girls and children would be primary victims, and the environment is much harder to control
- Technical Coordinator, International NGO, Georgia

Mental health and psychosocial support are often not offered to men. How can we improve our outreach to men?
- Gender Advisor, UN agency, Philippines

Refugees and migration

How can a country manage many hundred thousands of refugees coming from neighbouring countries?
- Executive Assistant, UN agency, Cameroon

Please speak about countering trafficking in human beings in the light of the current refugee crisis in Syria/ Lebanon/ Turkey, thank you.
- Research Assistant, United Kingdom

What can we individuals do in relation to the effects of growing terrorism such as the increase in refugees, human trafficking and so forth?
- Human Rights Lawyer, international organization, Pakistan

How can we react when entire regions - the Middle East at present - are unstable and there is nowhere safe for refugees and displaced people to go?
- Managing Director, consulting firm, United Kingdom

Which new initiatives can we undertake for IDPs?
- Anonymous, United States

What role does migration play in the future of humanitarian aid? Are preparedness actions taking note of most likely migratory paths and taking a dual location approach to building resilience/capacity of communities directly affected by disaster and host communities? What bilateral and regional policies are in place with regards to preparing for migration at community levels? Should reintegration be a key link between humanitarian and development funding?
- Anonymous

In terms of tackling vulnerability, what is your comment on ignoring unregistered refugees such as the Syrian ones across the neighboring countries? How do we relate this to the humanitarian imperative?
- Cash Based Programming Manager, international NGO, Jordan

How can we address and take into account the very poor measures that a government is taking towards migrants and refugees? What can still be done in terms of communication with government and institutions and raising awareness?
- Anonymous

Relating to dealing with issues of people caught in the midst of conflict, what are your comments on data protection issues especially related to refugees who chose not to register because of concerns around data protection and privacy?
- Cash Based Programming Manager, international NGO, Jordan

Role of the UN

What is the extent of the efforts by the UN to meet challenges for service providers and donors in enhancing sustainable mechanisms for granting access and ensuring coordination of humanitarian action in times of Humanitarian crises particularly in conflict situations?
- Associate Field Officer, UN agency, Sudan

How is the humanitarian community tackling conflicts around the world such as the Syria Crisis, the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Philippines, South Sudan, and Afghanistan? Is the United Nations as an international community enough to deal with the endless crises in the world or should it urge the countries’ governments to step up and tackle the conflicts?
-Advocate, India

Seeing the brutal acts of ISIS, would the UN consider deployment of Peace Keeping Forces to protect civilians (particularly minorities) from savage attacks of radicalists?
- Health Services coordinator, international aid organization, Iraq

How can UN aid in a country work when the country’s government is against the people?
- Information Officer, local government, Philippines

How will the UN humanitarian system mainstream risk reduction in responses and recovery operations?
- Senior Advisor, international relief organization, Norway

Overarching questions

What do you see as the biggest trend in humanitarian action right now?
- Humanitarian Advisor, humanitarian aid organization, Finland

Where are we going as humanitarian workers?
- Logistician, international aid organization, Philippines

Why is the humanitarian action still not successful?
- Protection officer, international NGO, Somalia

Individuals must insist on peace in their own countries. Is part of humanitarian action building a culture of non-violence and peace?
- Senior Officer, International aid organization, Switzerland

Some have argued that humanitarian action often fails to meet the expectations, needs, and priorities of crisis-affected people. What have you found that works to build relationships and effectively engage with crisis-affected communities?
- Researcher, NGO association, Switzerland

What challenges face efforts to enhance sustainable mechanisms for granted access and coordination of humanitarian action in times of crisis, particularly in conflict situations?
- Associate Field Officer, UN agency, Sudan

What are some ideas to improve the distribution of emergency aid on the ground?
- Industrial Relations Consultant, international association, Turkey

Should more strategic disaster relief centres be set up to avoid the escalating costs of airlifts and shipment of relief goods?
- Community Capacity Building, Gibraltar

How do you think that social journalism could be protected?
- Journalist, International foundation, Nepal

What are your views on the future of cross border operations?
- Human Rights Officer, UN agency, Lebanon

How do you see the future of the European Commission with regard to Humanitarian Aid?
- Anonymous, United Kingdom

How do we engage in cultural exchange issues from a humanitarian point of view?
- Secretary, humanitarian NGO, India

Can you comment, please, on the value of new practitioner training initiatives such as those organized by PHAP and OCHA?
- Director, academic development program, Ireland

Can you talk about sustainability of community resources?
- Anonymous, Greece

The recent conflicts in our region have raised the importance to have binding legislations adopted by the international community for the right of the international community for humanitarian intervention in cases of human/civilian suffering whether it is wars or similar situations, would you see this visible? If I can draw a comparison: like the legislations of the ICC.
- Senior Researcher, academic institution, Jordan

I'm an anthropologist and I think that in my field the concept of "humanitarian action" is misunderstood. What would you say to those like me, who are just approaching this field, about what is and what is not humanitarian action?
- Student, academic institution, Mexico

How should humanitarian organizations adapt to these changing times
- Project Coordinator, international financial institution, Philippines

What is the future of education in emergencies?
- Program Associate, international foundation, Untied States

What are we doing about the existing massive oversight of immediate mental health care in humanitarian emergencies?
- Due Diligence Officer, UN agency, United Kingdom

How do you build the capacity of humanitarian staff?
-Officer, national healthcare department, Ethiopia

Until when are we humanitarians going to clean up the "mess" created by a bunch of politicians?
- Anonymous, Spain

How can we achieve our goal of protecting human rights and providing humanitarian aid while the International Community puts their interests before the wellbeing of mankind ?
- Human Rights Campaigner, charitable foundation, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Are geopolitical interests of powerful nations a hindrance to the delivery of Humanitarian assistance?
- Administrative Assistant, UN agency, Ghana

This is a question regarding the SEAPAC regional responses. How far is the conversation with military on sharing airport/port access in first 72 hours of response when, often and arbitrarily, foreign militaries take charge of the hubs?
-Humanitarian Trainer, government ministry, Australia

With reference to your comments regarding the use and cooperation of the military and society in humanitarian conflicts it is generally evident that countries spend a significant portion of their budget on building up and maintaining their militaries. What kind of solutions and challenges do you see in potentially changing the roles of military installations to work towards or include humanitarian initiatives as part of building enabling environments?
- Anonymous

How do you look at Indonesia in your current role?
- Emergency Response Specialist, international NGO. Indonesia

What is your view on resurgent crises particularly in the Middle East and what can we, as humanitarian workers, do to stop this cycle? Sri Lanka can revert to war and insurgence as we have observed recently; what do you think the International Community's role is in preventing another deadly conflict and what role should the UN play in establishing long-term peace?
- Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs Manager, international NGO, Sri Lanka

At what point do we pass over the sovereignty border and intervene in situations such as South Sudan, where the situation is deteriorating daily? As of today, more than 3000 cholera cases reported as people remain in squalid conditions while the leaders seem hesitant to settle their scores.
-Humanitarian Reports Officer, UN agency, Kenya

In Greece, the phenomenon of human trafficking is extremely extended and many of the victims come from Africa. Even if this does not directly relate to conflict, should the humanitarian sector be responsible for protecting the victims?
- Jurist, Greece

How can we deal with humanitarian crises in areas of high violence which are not considered conflicts but have dramatic humanitarian consequences? The violence in Honduras and Central America, for example, results in large numbers of people (including high numbers of unaccompanied minors) to flee these countries.
- Senior analyst, International NGO, Switzerland

What is your take on political goodwill to ending conflicts and disasters? For instance in South Sudan, is the world saying that there is nothing more effective than can be done to bring this conflict to an end? At what point does intervention on humanitarian grounds become really necessary? The suffering of innocent children and civilians especially in Darfur is beyond comprehension and worse saddening that the world is "just watching". How will issues of political dominance, governance and human rights be handled by the Summit?
- Humanitarian Reports Officer, UN agency, Kenya

Questions on the World Humanitarian Summit Process

How do HFA 2 and WHS connect?
- Senior Advisor, International NGO, Australia

How much space will there be in Istanbul to ensure that people from the ground-up will be able to bring their concerns, experience, ideas & hopes into the summit sessions?
- Permanent Delegate to UN, international NGO, United States

What's the role of non-traditional responders in humanitarian response in the future, and how are they being involved in the World Humanitarian Summit?
- Chief Executive, international NGO, United Kingdom

Can you ensure that the private sector is included as part of the solution and is given a role/voice at the Summit?
- Program Officer, UN agency, United States

Will there be a focus on Social Business/ Social Enterprise and how this has been impacting humanitarian concerns ?
- Anonymous, Qatar

Can this Humanitarian Summit lead to political decisions that support humanitarian aid for children in need?
- Child Protection Specialist, international NGO, Ethiopia

Will the World Humanitarian Summit constitute an opportunity for achieving a shift in the center of gravity in the humanitarian system towards the global South?
- Head of Humanitarian Program Policy, Practice and Advocacy, international aid organization, United Kingdom

What role will the concept of Accountability to Affected Populations play at the WHS?
- Anonymous, International NGO, Switzerland

How will the WHS approach engagement with faith-based communities, particularly when seeking locally-relevant solutions to humanitarian problems
- Public Affairs Manager, international organization, United States

What steps are being taken to ensure that barriers to local and national organizations engaging as partners in humanitarian work are overcome? What steps are being taken to ensure that INGOs have a voice in international fora that is appropriate to their contribution to humanitarian aid?
- Public Affairs Manager, international organization, United States

I applaud that one of the themes of the Summit is on reducing vulnerability and managing risk. The integration of DRR in humanitarian situation is often still an afterthought that starts too late and gets too little funding. How will this theme of the WH Summit align with the HFA2 Sendai Conference next year? How can we incorporate climate change projections better into risk assessments?
- Climate Change Coordinator, international NGO, Thailand

What landmark changes do you anticipate and or would like to see in the humanitarian system post the WHS?
- Advisor, UN agency, Geneva

What would be the key accountability outcome expected from the Summit? How should we value the opinion of the disaster-affected population about the humanitarian actors’ response?
- Accountability, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, international NGO, Kenya

Do you expect that the 2016 WHS will bring any key policy changes?
- Humanitarian Affairs Analyst, UN agency, Kenya

As ERC, what specific results would she be seeking from the WHS and is this likely to include revisiting Resolution 46/182?
- Anonymous, international aid organization

What are the challenges and perspectives of the Summit?
- Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UN agency, Burkina Faso

What are some of the tangible outcomes that will hopefully emerge from the WHS in 2016? Or will it be focusing more on intangibles, e.g. better understanding especially of the themes etc.? This is a crucial matter for smaller organizations as we consider investing precious little resources in the WHS?
- President, medical relief organization, Malaysia

How can the World Humanitarian Summit ensure that there is greater support to a regional framework for Asia, and that such a framework is reflected in both national policies and local actions?
- Humanitarian Policy and Advocacy Advisor, international NGO, Australia

The African Union is gearing to produce a Common African Position (CAP) on the World Humanitarian Summit. What space will there be for Africa to share its views at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul in 2016?
- Deputy Head of Office, UN agency, Ethiopia

I find that with all this discussion on future challenges that we sometimes lose focus on getting the basics right: being accountable to beneficiaries, transferring more power to them to ensure the work we are doing is meeting their needs in the most appropriate way. Will this discussion be part of the World Humanitarian Summit consultations at all?
- Humanitarian Affairs Officer, UN agency, Jordan

Is it envisaged that the World Humanitarian Summit will lead to a revision of UN resolution 46/182? What are the risks and opportunities associated with this?
- Anonymous

One of the topics that I would underline is the treatment of adoption procedures for children who are extremely vulnerable and suffering of the post-disaster or post-conflict situations. Is this an issue that is going to be analyzed?
- Anonymous, Belgium

Here in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we have just talked about the vulnerability of disabled people in global crises but no specific action has been taken for them in humanitarian context. I would like to ask if disabled people will be specifically addressed.
- Coordinator, International organization, Democratic Republic of the Congo

What does the World Humanitarian Summit hope to achieve? How is it different compared to summits held before?
- Humanitarian Specialist, UN agency, Kenya

Will the World Humanitarian Summit focus on better ways of doing business as usual or aim for a new model for international humanitarian response?
- Anonymous, United Kingdom

Will the question of how to include marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities into humanitarian activities such as disaster risk reduction or emergency relief be given attention at the World Humanitarian Summit?
- Institutional Funding Manager, humanitarian aid organization, Sri Lanka

How will you ensure that the Summit does not become yet another male dominated event? 70% of all affected by crises are women and children, but they are seldom or never telling their stories! How do we ensure that more women lead humanitarian action?
- Managing Director, gender equality organization, Norway